Nine Yin ManualEverything About Age of Wushu
Restrained Shadow

Moving branches create chaos. Scattering flight brings sorrow. The moonlight's shadow passes, and sounds appear as the light darkens.

Level 1

Inflict (69~69)(+195)(+195)(+454)points ofYin damage. (For a total of 3 hits, each hit does about 304 points of damage.) damage.
Attack ends with a jumping dodge and creates "Ghost Shadow" around the enemy.
Ghost Shadow after a short hiding period, player swings their sword and attacks all enemies within a 5 meter radius and cause damage (knock back effect ignores attacks).
Ghost Shadow damage increases with greater skill proficiency.
Can use Flying skills with this skill to approach target quickly.
Use of Ghost Shadow consumes Delicate Hair-Shaking Puppet.

AttributeTai Chi

Cultivation cost: 156550 (cumulative: 156550)

10 seconds
21 MP
10 Lightness
Single Target

Disclaimer: Damage bonuses are currently calculated with 1000 melee, internal and ranged power, maxed weapon manual, 200 doll damage bonus, and 10 skill damage bonus per hit from treasure. In a future release of the website, you will have control over these parameters, and more, such as damage bonuses and weapon damage.