Deal {0} damage to enemies.
When targets are hit, they receive 2 stacks of Watch Fire, reducing their attack power by 10% for 20 seconds.
Watch Fire is only effective against other players.
Level 1
After hitting enemies, you can use this attack again. When casting attack, you will throw Blaze out, enemies touched by the Blaze will be stunned for 2 seconds.
Skill inflicts 100% damage if a token is equipped. Equipping dagger and ruler inflicts only 70% damage.
Disclaimer: Damage bonuses are currently calculated with 1000 melee, internal and ranged power, maxed weapon manual, 200 doll damage bonus, and 10 skill damage bonus per hit from treasure. In a future release of the website, you will have control over these parameters, and more, such as damage bonuses and weapon damage.